Ash's Works

A lot of people keep looking here as if they are likely to find something of interist about me. We'll, there is not a entirely large amount to be had. I do however have a few interists.

Earthdawn is a RPG once published by FASA but no longer. It was a game of high magic, a very intricate and detailed background, and a, unltimately fatal, problem with low sales. I make some character sheets for this game and other forms, some of which are available in several languages as translated by helpful people on the 'Net.
Shadowrun is the futuristic cousin to Earthdawn but it is different in some very notable ways. It is older, much less detailed in its world setting, a much less elegent set of game mechanics and much higher sales. I also make forms for this, but they are much younger and less refined. I get fewer compliments from exotic countries on them.
I am the owner and craziest inmate of this little madhouse of a domain that I run and that so many others seem to have made their home. Feel free to look around.

Ash <>